Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Robotics: Using Atmega16 Microcontroller - Introduction

What is a Microcontroller?

A microcontroller is a single chip, self-contained computer which incorporates all the basic components of a personal computer on a much smaller scale. Microcontrollers are often referred to as single chip devices or single chip computers. The main consequence of the microcontroller’s small size is that its resources are far more limited than those of a desktop personal computer. 

In functional terms, a microcontroller is a programmable single chip which controls a process or system. Microcontrollers are typically used as embedded controllers where they control part of a larger system such as an appliance, automobile, scientific instrument or a computer peripheral. Microcontrollers are designed to be low cost solutions; therefore using them can drastically reduces part and design costs for a project.

Physically, a microcontroller is an integrated circuit with pins along each side. The pins presented by a microcontroller are used for power, ground, oscillator, I/O ports, interrupt request signals, reset and control. In contrast, the pins exposed by a microprocessor are most often memory bus signals (rather than I/O ports).

A microcontroller has seven main components:
  • Central processing unit (CPU)
  • ROM
  • RAM
  • Input and Output
  • Timer
  • Interrupt circuitry
  • Buses
The Microcontroller we will use is ATMega16 from AVR Family.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Robot Builder's Bonanza 3rd Ed

Inside Robot Builder’s Bonanza

Robot Builder’s Bonanza, Third Edition takes an educational but fun approach to designing working robots. Its modular projects will provide the knowledge to take you from building basic motorized platforms to giving the machine a brain—and teaching it to walk, move about, sense what is going on around it, and obey commands. 

If you are interested in mechanics, electronics, or robotics, you’ll find this book a treasure chest of information and ideas on making thinking machines. The projects in Robot Builder’s Bonanza include all the necessary information on how to construct the essential building blocks of a number of different personal robots. Suggested alternative approaches, parts lists, and sources of electronic and mechanical components are also provided where appropriate.

Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR

Enter the world of embedded programming and microcontroller applications! 
One of the only books available today that uses the increasingly popular and cost-effective Atmel AVR embedded controller as the platform and application for learning, Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR is the perfect choice for novices. Featuring a host of fully-functional example applications, this highly innovative book enables users to adopt a "learn by doing" approach as they develop the knowledge and skills needed to achieve proficiency. 

Arduino Cookbook

Create your own toys, remote controllers, alarms, detectors, robots, and many other projects with the Arduino device. This simple microcontroller board lets artists and designers build a variety of amazing objects and prototypes that interact with the physical world. With this cookbook you can dive right in and experiment with more than a hundred tips and techniques, no matter what your skill level is.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Array of Objects

Write a Program to create a class employee having data members - employee no. & salary, and display data of 5 employees using Array of Objects.

Area using Default Arguments

Write a Program to find Area of a Square & Rectangle using Default Arguments.

Banking System using Class

Write a menu driven Program to implement a Banking System using class having data members - Account no., Name & Balance, & member functions - Input, Display, Deposit & Withdraw.

Friend Funtion

Write a Program to find sum of two complex no.s using Friend Function.

Nesting of Member Funtions

Write a Program to find the smallest no. in an array using Nesting of Member Functions.

Sum of Time Objects

Write a Program to Create two time objects and find their sum using an object as a member function argument.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Volume of a Cube, Cuboid & Cylinder using Function Overloading

Write a Program to find Volume of a Cube, Cuboid & Cylinder using Function Overloading.

Swap using Call by Address.

Write a Program to enter two no.s and swap their values using Call by Address.

Swap using Call by Value

Write a Program to enter two no.s and swap their values using Call by Value.

Swap using Call by Reference

Write a Program to enter two no.s and swap their values using Call by Reference

Sum of Digits

Write a Program to enter a no. & find the sum of its digits.

Inline Function

Write a Program to calculate Simple Interest & show the use of Inline function.

Default Argument

Write a Program to enter two no.s, m & n and find m^n using default arguments such that the output is square of m. Do not use Library functions.

Pattern -3

Write a Program to enter the no. of rows & print the following Pattern:
*  *
*  *  *
*  *  *  *
*  *  *  *  *

Pattern - 2

Write a Program to enter the no. of rows & print the following Pattern:
      + + +
   + + + + +
+ + + + + + +

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pattern -1

Write a Program to enter a starting number(x) and print the number the following Pattern :
for x=5

Palindrome String

Write a Program to input a String and check whether it is a Palindrome or not.

Palindrome Number

Write a Program to input a number and check whether it is a Palindrome or not.

Matrix Multiplication

Write a Program to enter two matrices and print their Product.

Matrix Addition

Write a program to enter two matrices and print their sum.